Hey! Do You Want To Use This Step-By-Step Blueprint To Shortcut Your Path To Being A Profitable Blogger?

Join me for the next 5 days and I'll show you EXACTLY how you can become a high profit blogger using nothing but private label rights content to fuel this entire money making system!

"I have been using Liz's training resources for about six months now. Her teaching style is exceptional and I have gained many insights into the IM industry that no one else is teaching. In fact, her training resources are so good that I deleted everything off my hard drive because Liz's training is all I need. I get excited every time Liz puts out a new course. Thanks very much Liz."


Hi there! I'm Liz Tomey (more about why you need to know who I am in a minute) and welcome to the invite page for The Blog Profits With PLR Blueprint Workshop!

I'm super excited to be offering this workshop because not only am I going to teach you how to make money as a blogger (in just about any niche you can think of), but I'm also going to show you how to shortcut your way to success by using PLR (private label rights) content to do it all!

The great things about being a blogger are...

1. You can work when and where you want. This is one of those ultimate lifestyle freedom business models.

2. You can do it in just about any niche! Have something you love or that you want to learn about? Then make money by blogging about it!

choose your image

3. There are many ways to make money with a blog. You can be an affiliate marketer, sell your own products, sell advertising, and so many other great profit tactics.

4. A blog is diverse. Not only can you make money from being a blogger, but a blog within its self can also build your list, get your traffic and so much more!

Now I could keep listing reasons for days here, but the bottom line is this...

Being a blogger is a great way to make money online and when you use PLR content to fuel that blog (I'll show you how to use PLR in multiple ways with your blog) you're going to take 85% of the work right out of the equation.

The system I'm going to be teaching you in The Blog Profits With PLR Blueprint Workshop is hands down the easiest way to be a blogger and actually make money doing it!

So, let me just get right to it, and show you what you're going to learn during this 5 day workshop...

Here's Exactly What I'll Be Teaching You In The Blog Profits With PLR Blueprint Workshop... 

Day 1: The Profitable Blog Plan

We're going to hit the ground running on Day 1 and cover everything we're going to be doing during this workshop. I give you a "bird's eye view" of everything we're going to be doing because most people learn better when they know the whole plan up front.

Today we will also pick your niche for your blog, gather your PLR content for your blog, install your blog, and you'll then leave class with your blog all setup and a full plan of exactly what you're going to do to get your blog up and running.

Today your profitable blogging journey begins!

Day 2: Picking Your Money Maker!

There are so many great ways to make big money with a blog, AND you can also profit with ONE blog in MULTIPLE ways and today I will lay out all of your options for profiting with your blog so you can choose the best option(s) for YOU!

By the end of today you will know exactly how you're going to make money with your blog and start taking the steps to put all of your profit options into place!

Day 3: The Great Content Shortcut

Content is what will fuel your blog profits AND blog traffic, so today we're going to talk all about content. Specifically how to use PLR content to quickly and easily fill your blog with all the content you will ever need to get started and for the life of your blog.

You will watch as I find PLR content for my blog, the tiny bit of editing that I do to it, and how I monetize my content with my profit options, so you can do the same thing.

When you leave class today you will have your blog full of content, content to keep it fresh, and a working blog with all of your profit options ready to make you money!

Day 4: Traffic And List Building With Your Blog

Here is a cold hard truth... You can have the best blog in the world, but if you don't get traffic to it then you'll never make any money!

So, today I'm going to show you MULTIPLE ways to get traffic to your blog AND how to build an email list to keep bringing your blog readers back instantly every time you put content on your blog. 

THIS is exactly what you need to know to keep traffic coming to your blog daily, AND most importantly keeping the profits coming in daily!

Today you're going to leave class with a full proof plan that will keep your blog pumping out the profits!

Day 5: Keeping Your Blog Pumping Out Profits

Today we will wrap up this workshop by creating a full proof plan to keep the traffic and profits coming in each and every day. I'll show you exactly what to do each day to keep your blog running. I'll hand over an entire schedule to you so each day you'll never wonder what to do to keep your blog making you money. 

We will also talk about how I run my blogs from anywhere in the world (as long as I have an Internet connection), and how you can do the same thing. As I said, this is the ultimate freedom lifestyle business model, so I want to show you exactly how freeing it can be!

By the end of day 5 you will not only have a fully functioning profitable blog, but you'll be totally capable of keeping it running and profiting for as long as you want!

Here's the deal... You don't need to know how to do ANYTHING to be able to create and profit from a blog!

I've kept everything very simple, so you can actually put this all into action without having to have a ton of techy abilities and expenses or even know how.

Bottom line is this is the information you need right now to be able to create a profitable blog(s) and have the ultimate freedom lifestyle you WANT!

So at this point you might be thinking...

"Wow! This is the EXACT information I need, but who is the person behind this workshop and can she actually help me to succeed with this?"

Let me answer that question for you...

Your Fearless Leader... Liz Tomey!

Hi again... So you may be wondering just who I am if you've never heard of me. I just want to take 20 seconds and introduce myself, so you know who the lady behind the scenes is...

I'm Liz Tomey and since 2004 I've been showing people how to create online businesses to fund a life they LOVE.

I've created dozens of online businesses in over 20 different niches for myself, and have helped 100's of people create their own successful and profitable online businesses.

I've also shown online business owners how to get traffic in various ways and several different techniques for online selling. If there's a way to get traffic or sell something online, I've probably taught it at some point over the past 17 years.

I've also been named "The Queen Of PLR" because of the amount of PLR (private label rights) content that I have created for online business owners and all my teachings on using PLR in both marketing AND profiting!

I do all my teaching via live online workshops (they're always recorded for those who can't make it live, and I'm available for questions for those who can't make it live too) where you can WATCH everything I do, and then replicate it for yourself.

This is hands down the best way for me to help people. Simply SHOW them what I'm doing, so they can do it for themselves.

These online workshops aren't just based on theory. These workshops are based on what I have tested and found to work.

And... These online workshops aren't just me talking in front of a Power Point presentation either! This is you WATCHING me on my laptop DO everything I'm teaching. You get to watch me from your computer (or phone) right over my shoulder just like you were there sitting next to me.

I don't leave any steps out, and it's why 1000's of people have come to me to learn!

Here's what just a few of my actual students have said about my teaching...

See What Others Are Saying About Liz's Abilities To Teach Money Making Online Business Systems...

“Liz is one of the best coaches I know. When she teaches, she makes sure you understand what she’s talking about and will continue to explain it until you do. She backs up her patience and friendly style with an amazing knowledge of marketing and selling products. If you’re looking for someone to help you with your business, Liz Tomey is the one.”



“I recently had a coaching session with Liz and I was blown away by how quickly and easily she “got me.” Her knowledge and experience in online marketing and coaching were evident as she immediately connected with where I am in my business and the next level of growth I’ve set as a goal. In just one session she helped me gain clarity and identify the direction I need to take to get to where I want to go.”



“Liz Tomey is one of the best teachers I know when it comes to learning how to start an online business in a step by step manner. I was a student a few years ago and even though I felt I was pretty knowledgeable at the time I was able to learn more and more importantly I learned the “whys” of doing things. It’s one ting to know how to do something but better to know why.

She is organized, knowledgeable, funny, sincere, honest, and was well worth my financial investment and time. Even to this day I refer back to the lessons and webinars she provided in the class. In my opinion, you can’t go wrong with Liz Tomey as your mentor.”



“Liz Tomey has been a great catalyst in starting my passive income career through creating and selling PLR digital products.

Her workshops and live sessions are fun to attend and always contain actionable golden nuggets and no fluff!

So if you want to learn and get started on your passive income journey, then LIZ is your Superhero!”



Ok, at this point, you know why you NEED this workshop... It's YOUR TURN to start making money the EASY way as a blogger.

You know me now... 

You see why so many people come to learn from me... 

But it doesn't stop there! 

Here's what else you're going to get as an attendee of The Blog Profits With PLR Blueprint Workshop...

Let's Just Talk About All The EXTRA Hands On HELP You're Going To Get And The Heart Of This Workshop...

Not only are you going to get access to all five days of The LIVE Blog Profits With PLR Blueprint Workshop, but you'll also get access to the My PLR Mastermind Facebook Group where you can get quick help on anything you need, network with other attendees, even use the group to build your list, sell your products, etc. (on certain days), and have a load of fun!

I created the My PLR Mastermind Facebook Group as an add on here because I don't ever want you to feel like you're alone or that you can't get help.

As online entrepreneurs sometimes we feel like we're alone. Sometimes we get stuck on something and because we don't have any help, we quit.

With the My PLR Mastermind Facebook Group you'll never have these problems again!

There's always some kind of discussion going on in there, I'm in there to help you along with a lot of other super smart cookies, and we even have days where you can promote your money makers, and even "group promotions" where we're helping each other promote our money makers.

The My PLR Mastermind Facebook Group alone is worth 100X the insane price I'm charging to get access to the whole workshop, so make sure you USE this. 

You'll see that this group will be invaluable to your success!

Plus You'll Also Get Unlimited Updates At No Cost!

Look, I don't just do a workshop and then I'm done... I'm constantly creating new tutorials, checklists, adding in techniques and tactics as things change, and so much more.

You'll get any and all updates that come with this workshop at no extra charge!

This is a long term strategy I teach and I'm with you for the long term to ensure you completely understand, and can continually USE and make it work better for you on going.

When new material is added (extra workshops, tutorials, resource documents, etc.) you'll be notified via email and will have access to everything. 

As I said there is no additional charge for ANY updates EVER!

Here's A Recap Of Exactly What You're Going To Get Today...

Access To The LIVE 5 Day Workshop - You’ll get full access to all 5 days of The Blog Profits With PLR Blueprint Workshop and all resources, guides, workbooks, etc. that may be given out each day. You’ll also get access to the recordings to watch whenever you want, and as often as you want!
Personal Access To Liz - Have questions during the workshop? You’ll be able to ask me live as the workshop is going. Have questions viewing the recordings of the workshop? You’ll be able to email or you can ask me on Facebook via our closed door mastermind group. You will have complete access to me to help you with anything you need help with in implementing what I’m teaching you.
Mastermind Group Access - Our mastermind group is amazing and currently we have over 320 members who have attended my previous workshops and are attending this one. Someone is always around to help, give feedback, or just some encouragement to keep you going. This is a great environment to learn in and make new friends with people just like you!
Unlimited Updates - As I stated above… The workshop is just the start of my teaching. I’m continually updating with extra resources to help you with what I’m teaching and to help you to continue using it with new techniques and updates! You’ll never pay for ANY updates or additions to this workshop!

Attend This Workshop And Get My Entire Money Making Blueprint Handed To You...

The Blog Profits With PLR Blueprint Workshop is my personal and proven blueprint to creating profitable blogs and now I'm handing it over to YOU!

This blueprint will lead you to creating profitable blogs to create the incomes you WANT and NEED!

During this workshop I'll be teaching you everything you need to know, all of my secrets and shortcuts, all the resources that I use... I'm not keeping ANYTHING a secret from you.

You'll watch me create a blog from scratch, monetize that blog in multiple ways, learn all of my traffic and marketing tactics, and you'll walk away with a complete plan to set your own profitable blog up and make money for yourself!

All of this will be done right in front of your eyes over this LIVE 5 day workshop...

If you want to start using a proven money getting blueprint to build an easy and PROFITABLE online business, then make sure you grab your spot right now before the price goes UP!

All you have to do now is click the purchase option below that you want, so you can have access to The Blog Profits With PLR Blueprint Workshop!

After purchase you'll be sent an email telling you how to attend the workshop, how to get access to the mastermind group, and all other information that you need.

And don't worry... If you have questions, you'll have access to me personally (not someone on my team or my help desk) to get the answers you need.

My guarantee to you is that I wont quit helping you until you no longer need my help. I'll be there for any questions you have and to help you do everything I'm teaching you until you are seeing PROFITS!

So click on the order option below that you want, and I'll see you on Day 1 of The Blog Profits With PLR Blueprint Workshop!

1 Attendee Ticket

This option gives you full access to the entire LIVE Blog Profits With PLR Blueprint Workshop, the recordings, all updates, access to the My PLR Mastermind Facebook Group, any future bonuses that get added, and access to me (Liz Tomey) to help you with anything you need!

1 Attendee Ticket PLUS Full Private Label Rights!

100 18 License Left

This option gives you full access to the entire LIVE Blog Profits With PLR Blueprint Workshop, the recordings, all updates, access to the My PLR Mastermind Facebook Group, any future bonuses that get added, and access to me (Liz Tomey) to help you with anything you need! 

You'll also get FULL RESELLER PLR to the entire workshop, and everything that comes with it.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Happens After I Purchase?

After purchase you will be able to access the Workshop Attendee Page where you can access the entire workshop. This page will be where all of the downloads of the replays will be AND if you bought PLR to this workshop your PLR downloads will be there.

How Long Will I Have Access?

Every single day of the workshop has been recorded. You will have access to the recordings and ALL teaching aids for EACH day. You will have access for at the very least one year. The recordings aren’t going anywhere, and I will be there to answer any questions you may have for as long as you have them. You will have direct access to me along with the mastermind group.

What Are The Private Label Right Terms?

My private label right terms are pretty easy. The only thing you CAN NOT do is use my name in any of your marketing, OR give away the PLR for free. You can sell this as your own product, use it for bonuses, membership content, resell the PLR, etc.

I Have More Questions... How Can I Contact You?

Feel free to ask me any questions you have about what I'm covering in this workshop by contacting me at LizLive.com.

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